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Day: January 25, 2019

Emily Moe January 25, 2019

As the government shutdown stretches on and becomes the longest in history, it can feel like it doesn’t affect central Iowa at all.  Washington D.C. is hundreds of miles away and talk of the negotiations are only relayed to us via various news outlets. We hear about the 800,000 federal workers who are either working […]

Mario Chothen January 25, 2019

With 1:49 left to play in a 20-20 game and the Saints facing a third-and-10 from the Rams’ 13-yard line, Drew Brees dropped back and threw a pass to TommyLee Lewis, and that’s when this happened. The Saints got screwed by one of the worst no-calls in NFL history. Nickell Robey-Coleman not only made helmet […]