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Layk Nollen March 24, 2021

As an online school student during a pandemic, I spend much of my time inside. …Okay, I spend all my time inside. Much like other students and even faculty/staff, being inside all day can be pretty, well, depressing. Not to mention the stress of online school, and the anxiety many of us face on a […]

Layk Nollen October 23, 2020

Students, teachers, and faculty alike are still going through the stressful time of midterms. Studying, grading, and working at home can be a challenge. After all, distractions surround us.  With that being said, we don’t have a lot of places to go to anymore. We’re not allowed to study in libraries or sit in cafes. […]

Nick Ripa October 21, 2020

The National Football League has been around since 1922, and has been very popular for more than 50 years. The rules have been evolving ever since its creation, but they have yet to be perfected. The main concept that the NFL fan base is in conflict with is the importance of the overtime coin toss.  […]

Xander Clubine February 24, 2020

There’s a line from the infamous Shakespearean play Romeo & Juliet: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  For people, names are identities. A name is something given at birth, and is how someone is called and identified for as long as they exist […]

Edward Kivlahan March 27, 2019

From start to finish, Us is a wild, weird, and intense ride. I rate it five stars, it is an amazing thriller. From the writing to the acting and character development, through the cinematography and soundtrack, it was masterfully done. Jordan Peele is a new age Hitchcock. The trailer was well designed, and it didn’t […]

Edward Kivlahan February 14, 2019

On Valentine’s Day 2018, Nikolas Cruz walked into Parkland High School and gunned down 17 students. This incident was almost instantly across the major news outlets in America and the survivors came into the national spotlight, for better or worse. They came out of the trauma with a strong message about gun violence and gun […]

Emily Moe January 25, 2019

As the government shutdown stretches on and becomes the longest in history, it can feel like it doesn’t affect central Iowa at all.  Washington D.C. is hundreds of miles away and talk of the negotiations are only relayed to us via various news outlets. We hear about the 800,000 federal workers who are either working […]

Mario Chothen January 14, 2019

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” King said in an interview with the NY Times. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?” After spewing this ignorance King on Friday claimed he made a “freshmen mistake” while addressing the White […]

Edward Kivlahan April 4, 2018

I very much enjoyed Ready Player One. Steven Spielberg consistently delivers impressive cinematic experiences and this is no exception. I rate Ready Player One 4 out of 5 stars. The plot was effective, the moral was intriguing, and there were many good elements. The movie follows Wade Watts as he and the world attempt to […]