DMACC’s new full-time campus nurse Lori Zahnd is ready to take on a challenge.
“I love the opportunity to build something from the ground up and appreciate a good challenge,” she said. There’s also a deeper connection to the Boone DMACC campus.
“My husband is a graduate of DMACC and was a member of Phi Theta Kappa. He still talks about his experience at DMACC and how much he appreciated the outstanding education and lifelong connections he made while a student.”
Lori said she is excited to be able to have a chance to use her wide range of skills and passion for wellness on the Boone campus.
“It’s a lot of work, but I was ready and knew I would be exhausted. I can’t wait to grow this position but I know I have to be patient because it won’t happen overnight,” she said.
Lori is originally from Greene, Iowa, where she graduated from Greene Community Schools. She attended Luther College, Marshalltown Community College, and Upper Iowa University. At Luther, she was on the softball team. She learned her AA in Nursing at Marshalltown and acquired her BSN at Upper Iowa.
“I …held off from my dreams until after I graduated from Luther,” she said. “I did not do nursing at Luther because my priorities were on softball, when they should’ve been about my education. I made sure to not give up on my dream, no matter what age I was.”
Previously, Lori worked as a part-time nurse at Lincoln Elementary here in Boone, so it’s not her first time working in a school. She said the first few weeks here on campus have been great.
“Now that I’m getting organized, I will be putting out a survey to staff to get some ideas for wellness programming. I am working closely with Rebekah (counselor) on activities and programs for students. We will be open for ideas, so I hope students and faculty reach out and offer suggestions.
Lori’s office hours are Monday thru Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. and her office will be located eventually in room 129 but has a space in the front office until remodeling is complete. Office hours may vary depending on personal reasons or meeting-related events.
“I’m flexible and would be happy to meet with students when it works for them,” she said.