The following students have qualified to go to the Phi Beta Lambda Nationals in Anaheim, California, to compete on June 23rd-28th. PBL members who qualified had to compete at State level in three categories and place in at least 1 event to go to nationals. For speaking events 1st or 2nd place at State was required; 1st, 2nd or 3rd for testing events. Phi Beta Lambda of Boone has 12 students going to Nationals. If you know these students, give them a shout out for a great performance competing at State level.
1. Charity Benson: 1st in Community Service. 2nd in Business Ethics (Team with Mary Rowan).
2. Bob Kitchen: 1st in Public Speaking. 1st in Job Interview.
3. Brandie Lee: 1st in Hospitality. 2nd in Retail Management. 1st in Chapter Report.
4. Weston Powers: 1st in Macroeconomics. 1st in Microeconomics. 3rd in Financial concepts.
5. Catherine Sikes: 2nd in Computer concepts.
6. Christine Stammer: 3rd in Computer concepts.
7. Arlo Starbuck: 1st in Community Service. 1st in Business Decision Making. 1st in Management analysis & decision making.
8. Cassie Zinnel: 2nd in Accounting principles. 4th in Financial concepts. 4th in Personal finance.
9. Kara Dawkins: 1st in Future Business Educator. 2nd in Impromptu Speaking.
10. Mary Rowan: 2nd in Business Ethics (Team with Charity Benson). 1st in Community Service Project.
11. Nick Kelly: 1st in Contemporary Sports Issues. 1st in Future Business Executive.
12. Cheyanne Fleener: 1st in Hospitality Management. 3rd in Retail Management.