A popular complaint surfaces among the students of the DMACC Boone campus. Students have stated that they are getting tired of eating the same food everyday. At the DMACC Boone campus, there is currently only one restaurant food selection, and that is Subway. Some students have even said that they have had Subway so much, that some days when they are hungry, they don’t even feel like eating because they are so grown out of the taste of the same old Subway sandwiches. DMACC student Brendan Lipovsky had a couple things to say about the topic. “I really believe DMACC should add in at least another food restaurant. A food court would be real nice though.” “Having more food to select from is exciting believe it or not.” Although new food would be an appreciated addition, the point of view from the DMACC principle is also appreciated. Dr Nelson stated that the main reason Subway is the only food selection at DMACC Boone campus, is because it forces students to eat healthy. “I’m sure students would appreciate a wider variety of food selection, but keeping the students healthy is one of our priorities at DMACC.” “We just have to agree upon another healthy food restaurant to add in, and who knows, maybe we will go through with it.” Both point of views are definitely appreciated and have been thought upon. Multiple students would like to make a push for new food selection here at DMACC Boone campus. What do you think about it? Will you join them?