by Jonas Patlan
October is here! It’s time to get spooky DMACC. There’s no limit to what you can do this year. College is no excuse to sit out on Halloween.
It is the start of the holiday season and it only comes once every year. Trick-or-treating may not be the plan this year but that isn’t the exclusive way to celebrate. October is simply a countdown to Halloween, the days before are preparation and celebration.
A big part of October is the fall weather, which calls for all kinds of fun. Decorating, dancing, thrills, and friends. If you find yourself with nothing to do this October look no further.
For starters, getting into the theme of Halloween. DMACC student Reggie Richardson says that he is going to carve pumpkins with his siblings and put them out on their porch.
“We do this every year, ever since I was a little kid, it’s a tradition,” Richardson said.
Friends or family, carving pumpkins is quality time to spend with loved ones. It is a low cost and easy way to start decorating for the holiday.
Another easy “do it from home” is making costumes. It adds a more personal touch, and is often less expensive than buying a pre-made costume. Then you have a costume, for any event that a may require one.
The Ames area is very festive this time of year. Businesses and residents are active in the community with public events and attractions. Ames Main Street Cultural district is holding a Trick-or-Treat on Main St. on October 27th. An event for family and friends, where costumes are encouraged!
If old traditions and family events aren’t the mood for this season, there are more adult friendly options in the same area.
Ames Haunted forest, one of the more popular attractions of the season, opened October 6th. It is a 30-minute tour of thrill and fear for a $15 admission.
Colton Lowe said, “The Haunted Forest is my favorite part about Halloween, I usually go once or twice a year depending on who I go with.”
October is almost half way through, and that means it’s time to get rolling before the spooky season is over. Costumes, friends, and thrillers, are on the schedule ahead.
DMACC also sends emails to notify the student body of any events in the near future. If October isn’t about spooky, fun, and games, there are awareness events, donation events, and events to get you involved in the community and DMACC.
This October is one to make something of, there is only a couple weeks left to pre-game before all the leaves are gone for thanksgiving, and then the snow covers the ground for Christmas! The holiday season is just starting.