Every year, sometime in March, students from different college campuses all around the United States either drive or fly to a tropical destination to live it up in the sun for a week. The intended purpose of spring break is to give college students a much needed break from their strenuous studies, and even catch up on school work so that they are ready to finish the school year strong. Now, it seems expected for college students to travel to a warm climate with friends and alcohol. “When my teacher asked my class what we were doing for spring break, even she looked at me like I was crazy when I said I wasn’t going anywhere.”- Corey Potter, Des Moines Area Community College student.
Spring Break has caused a number of problems to arise throughout the years. Now, many popular spring break destinations such as Gulf Shores, Alabama and Panama City Beach, Florida are now banning alcohol on the beaches because of all the problems it causes. For example, last year in Gulf shores, 3 students died as a result of Spring break. Two students died of alcohol poisoning, and one student died after jumping from a 3 story balcony by narrowly missing the pool. “It was like a mosh pit out there. You couldn’t even walk, there were so many people on the beach.”-Sabin Hicks, Former Des Moines Area Community College Students and attendee of Gulf Shores spring break 2016. “You could get into like every club without an ID.” “I had a really good time and made good memories, but it was really expensive, that’s why I didn’t go this year” said Hicks when asked about his overall experience.
It seems the last thing on students’ mind on spring break is their studies. Can spring break actually have a negative effect on student’s academics? “Pretty much the whole month of march, I was only thinking about spring break.” Said Hicks. Sabin, like many students, found it hard to focus on school when there was such a fun trip right around the corner. “I didn’t fail or anything, but I probably could have done better on one or two of my midterms.” Said hicks when asked if spring break effected his grades. This seems to be a common trend among spring break attendees. Opposed to students who go back home or work over spring break, where as they only have to focus on midterms.