I had the pleasure to interview a young man about his version of the Wild West game. Mr. Aiden Smith is 9 years old. while trying to find someone to work the camera for the interview his younger brother Action Jackson Smith asked if he could run the camera. Since starting back to school I always wanted things to be perfect but they never turn out that way. Random acts are the things that make life worth it at times. They are usually just small acts of kindness or stepping out of a comfort zone. So when I said Action Jackson you may be the camera man he was so over joyed. When I reviewed the interview and told him what a wonderful job he did he was so proud of himself. By doing this small act it may have helped Jackson to have more confidence. By doing small acts like these it gives kids confidence and not afraid to ask or to participate We should encourage our children to try new things. Just do the small things to let kids know they matter.