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Ainsley Schuler

Ainsley Schuler February 23, 2018

Submission by Antonio Alvarez Valdivia Even though there are multiple resources, events, and counselors dedicated to help transfer students, there is still a lot of confusion between Pre-Engineering students about some of the procedures that we must follow prior to transferring to a 4-year college. My experience with the transfer program has been great, and now […]

Ainsley Schuler February 23, 2018

Submission by Jamie Jordan For many people in the United States, athletics is a perfect way to continue playing the sport you love, while helping pay for tuition. From personal experience, I chose to become a college athlete so I could attend college for a much lower price. I soon found that being a college […]

Ainsley Schuler February 21, 2018

Carlos Eusebio, Taylor Abernathy, Denver Blinn.  In 2018, student loan debt still has a grip on college graduates. For the past decade student loan debt has risen to $1.4 trillion dollars, reported by the Washington Post. This has past the credit card mark. When high school kids head into college they do not understand the concept […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Gretchen Durbala, Kenzie Justice, Maryssa Soder and Madeline Wagner With $1.48 trillion in collective student loan debt, it’s clear that American loan debt is out of control. We want to share with you some ways to reduce debt and to pay off what you already owe a little faster. So how did student loans get […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Kenneth Hall, Devin Prendergast, and LeAnn Pena Albert Einstein once said “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Einstein was right, college itself is like riding a bicycle it isn’t easy, and it can actually be the most challenging and stressful time you will face in life. You […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Katelin Schumacher, Spencer Hanson and Colton Armstrong The facts are true, students are just not getting the right nutrients in college. As there are many factors that contribute into this issue, some of them are highly preventable. Food insecurity on college campuses has grown into a huge problem. Many students are having to choose whether […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Kaisha Wells, Dylan Scheffler, Jake Richardson This illness isn’t contagious, it isn’t caught from bacteria, it affects more than 25% of college students, according to Chadron State College, it hits you when you least expect it. DMACC has many students are struggling with mental illness and don’t know how to get help. There are several […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Kelli Grimm, Coryn Staton and Skyler Ring As many know, attending college comes with a huge price, not only financially, but mentally and physically as well. College students deal with stress and are often overlooked as being the people of the future. College students not only face academic stress, but the stress of finances and […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

LaVoris Lee, Kearra Chester, and Grace Krafcisin. In 2018, women still shouldn’t have to live with the fear of being sexually assaulted, especially while trying to earn an education. Colleges across the nation need to raise awareness of the frequent sexual assaults occurring on their campuses, and how victims can survive and heal from them. […]

Ainsley Schuler February 14, 2018

Bethany Colbert, Colton Lowe, and Courtney Wright Believe it or not, not everybody in college has a plan on what they want to study. First-year students are still attempting to understand their own identity and, they may not yet be able to make decisions about themselves. This raises the question, how can one effectively choose […]