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Edward Kivlahan February 9, 2018

ISU’s monthly AfterDark events are fun, diverse, and often feature surprising guests. At this month’s ISU AfterDark, Woody Harrelson made an appearance. His presence at ISU was due to a screening of his latest ambitious project, Lost in London, at the Great Ballroom in the Memorial Union. The film was live-streamed in one take to various theaters as they filmed it a little over a year ago, and provided a new perspective of avant-garde directing and cinematography. Harrelson directed and starred in this film with Owen Wilson and Willie Nelson. During his session after the screening, he described the process of making it and answered various questions from the students there.

The questions ranged from serious to ludicrous, but some were also quite shocking. One was the standard question: “Do you even like twinkies?” to which he informed the questioner that he is, in fact, vegan. The twinkies he consumed on the set of Zombieland were impostors. Another complimented his performance in his film and War For The Planet of The Apes while asking about his upcoming role in Star Wars: Episode IX. He couldn’t divulge anything due to his contract and the stage of development, but the question that shocked him came soon after. One student asked him about his upcoming role in the next Spider-Man movie: Venom. Taken aback, he said “How’d you know that? That was kind of supposed to be a secret. I didn’t even tell my wife!” His role is not yet recorded on IMDB, but he will be alongside Tom Hardy as Eddy Brock and Tom Holland as Peter Parker.