Hi! My name is Ainsley Schuler. I am a year two college student here on the Boone DMACC Campus. I am the editor in chief for the Banner and the Vice President of the Social Justice Club, along with being involved in the theatre program. I am planning on majoring in Liberal Arts here and then going on to a four year college to major in an unknown field and minor in English.
My main passions are writing, theatre, and late night adventures. I love watching the most random horror movies I can find on Netflix and watching shows with my friends. My biggest passion in music, however, and I am always open to music suggestions.
While reading the banner this semester, you will find me editing submissions from fellow students and covering articles about what is happening on campus.
I love writing for the Banner because it keeps me involved in the events on campus and helps me meet new people. I have a strong passion for writing and English and grammar, and writing for the Banner allows me to strengthen my skills and capabilities.
I hope you enjoy our work and if you are interested in helping us or meeting us come to the room to the right of the auditorium and say hello, or email me at arschuler@dmacc.edu