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Year: 2018

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Kenneth Hall, Devin Prendergast, and LeAnn Pena Albert Einstein once said “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Einstein was right, college itself is like riding a bicycle it isn’t easy, and it can actually be the most challenging and stressful time you will face in life. You […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Katelin Schumacher, Spencer Hanson and Colton Armstrong The facts are true, students are just not getting the right nutrients in college. As there are many factors that contribute into this issue, some of them are highly preventable. Food insecurity on college campuses has grown into a huge problem. Many students are having to choose whether […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Kaisha Wells, Dylan Scheffler, Jake Richardson This illness isn’t contagious, it isn’t caught from bacteria, it affects more than 25% of college students, according to Chadron State College, it hits you when you least expect it. DMACC has many students are struggling with mental illness and don’t know how to get help. There are several […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

Kelli Grimm, Coryn Staton and Skyler Ring As many know, attending college comes with a huge price, not only financially, but mentally and physically as well. College students deal with stress and are often overlooked as being the people of the future. College students not only face academic stress, but the stress of finances and […]

Ainsley Schuler February 19, 2018

LaVoris Lee, Kearra Chester, and Grace Krafcisin. In 2018, women still shouldn’t have to live with the fear of being sexually assaulted, especially while trying to earn an education. Colleges across the nation need to raise awareness of the frequent sexual assaults occurring on their campuses, and how victims can survive and heal from them. […]

Mario Chothen February 16, 2018

On January 20th, the DMACC women’s basketball team knocked off nationally ranked Southeastern Community College 73-61 in what appeared to most as just another win. Little did we know Coach Steve Krafcisin, had achieved a major milestone. With that win Krafcisin, won his 400th game as a head coach and is closing in on 300 […]

Ainsley Schuler February 14, 2018

Bethany Colbert, Colton Lowe, and Courtney Wright Believe it or not, not everybody in college has a plan on what they want to study. First-year students are still attempting to understand their own identity and, they may not yet be able to make decisions about themselves. This raises the question, how can one effectively choose […]

Ainsley Schuler February 14, 2018

Gabriel Krafcisin, Nysir Marshburn and Kylie Behm. In the last couple of decades, incoming freshman have had the problem of not being prepared. Throughout high school and middle school, students haven’t had to put a lot of energy into their school work. According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, there are some kids that have classes […]

Ainsley Schuler February 14, 2018

Lori Graves, Mia Ruther, Adam Todd College is hard. No one can deny that. There are so many things that we deal with, figuring out how to pay rent, buy food and necessities, pay for your books and tuition, all while trying to juggle classes and homework. Sometimes it’s difficult to know where we can […]

Edward Kivlahan February 9, 2018

ISU’s monthly AfterDark events are fun, diverse, and often feature surprising guests. At this month’s ISU AfterDark, Woody Harrelson made an appearance. His presence at ISU was due to a screening of his latest ambitious project, Lost in London, at the Great Ballroom in the Memorial Union. The film was live-streamed in one take to […]