Written by Ainsley Schuler and Xander Clubine
Photo by Micki Anderson
March marks Women’s History Month, started in 1987 when the National Women History Project petitioned to have Women’s History Week (1981) extended. In celebration of this month, DMACC students talked about the strong women they admire.
A common answer among students was their mothers, showing how mothers tend to play a key role in their kids’ lives. Mackenzie Schaben started off the trend by saying that her mom is a strong woman she knows.
“I would have to say my mom because she is the one who taught me to be a good person”.
Student Xavior Rojas, like Schaben, said his mother.
“She struggled raising us and I feel she did a good job,” he said.
Student Aidon Tunney also said his mom is a strong woman in his life.
“Definitely my mother considering all of the issues she went through before she had me and my siblings, then during my parents divorce. My mom was a single parent for three to four years, worked two jobs, and as in college as well, and I look up to her for that stuff.”
Student Micki Anderson said that a strong woman in her life was her grandmother.
“She worked her whole life and she raised my dad and my aunt.” Anderson said, “She was pregnant and the whole time she was pregnant she worked until she gave birth.”
Family members weren’t the only strong women mentioned, as Christine Su answered with a popular woman back in the mid 1900s.
“Marilyn Monroe is a woman I really admire,” Su said, “In that period she was not ashamed of her looks, since you can see her belly, her arms, butt―but she is not ashamed.”
To also celebrate Women’s History Month, the Boone Campus Social Justice Club will be hosting a round-table discussion on Wednesday, March 13 at 12:15 in the library to discuss how people feel about their hair. Then at 7 that evening the Boone Movie Theater will be doing a free showing of Captain Marvel, followed by a discussion of the movie in the Courter Center the next day at noon Thursday with free pizza for those at the discussion.