DMACC understands the importance literary arts, so on April 9th during DMACC’s 17th annual Celebration of the Literary Arts, novelist John Domini and Science Fiction Writer Lettie Prell will be visiting the Boone campus to read from their works.
Domini has written three novels and also three volumes of short stories. One of these volumes, MOVIEOLA!, was praised in Vanity Fair. He has won many awards in all genres, having fiction pieces in Paris Review and nonfiction in The New York Times.
Prell has had her works reprinted in many works to do with science fiction, including The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018. Her work has also appeared in Apex Magazine, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.
If you’re interested in listening to these two accomplished writers read from their works, come to the Boone DMACC auditorium on April 9th, where they will be from 9:40-11:05am.