Although the world is in a controversial time of what to do this Halloween season, some are making preparations for safe events for Halloween lovers to still get an in-person spooky experience.
The Boone Community Theatre is leading the charge for a drive-thru Haunted House. The concept is to create a family friendly experience for Halloween, but safely. It is to take place at the Central Iowa Expo grounds on Highway 17, on the weekends of October 17, 24, and 31, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. The entrance fee is $20 per carload of five people.
The storyline is spread over several scenes that the spectators drive along to watch it unfold. This provides a safety line for the spectators as well as the story characters to be safely distanced, but still enjoy the ride.
But that’s not the only haunt that’s going on in Iowa.
The Tormented Souls Terror Bus picks up passengers at Edgewood Park in Madrid to take willing victims deep into the haunted woods. Face masks are required for entry, and groups must stick together.
Tormented Souls is available for all ages of attendees, but parental consent is required for children under the age of 12. The venue is open on October 16-17, 22-24, and 29-30. Check out the Tormented Souls Facebook page for times.
Halloween lovers be advised, this spooky season may be different from the past, but not uneventful.