With school just starting back up, the SAC (Student Activities Committee) wanted to bring some life back to DMACC after the boring, covid year we had. From DJs to free food, we had it all.
Steve Krafcisin is the head of the SAC committee and also the head women’s basketball coach. Under Steve is Magan Christopherson as President and your very own, Camry Jones as Vice President.
To kick off the first weekend that most of the students were back at school, we held a kick-off party in the student housing courtyard featuring a free bbq hosted by FAREWAY. The kickoff also featured human bowling, cornhole games, and DJ Marty McFly for the entertainment of the night.
The next event we held was inside our newly built Fareway Fieldhouse featuring DJ TMAXdaKiD and Big Red Chair Photos. The Big Red chair is really what it sounds like, a really big red chair. You hop on up, and they snap your picture, and print it out for you!
After dancing and listening to music all night in the fieldhouse, we had a food truck outside free to students! The food truck consisted of Pulled Pork or Brisket sandwiches, chips, and water.
On the day before classes started, students and faculty had the opportunity to mingle over free lunch in the courter center. This allowed the students to finally match a name and a face together and interact with their professors before classes started.
After all of that fun, we started in-person classes the following Wednesday here on the Boone campus.
Keep your eyes on your email for updates on upcoming SAC plans! We plan to continue activities and events throughout the year and get as many students involved as we can!
Feature image credit to: Rachel Erkkila