Mrs. Jane Martino is asking everyone at Boone DMACc to bring in good used or new clothing for a clothing drive for Clothing World Needy People. This drive for clothing is to help refugees. The clothing drive is every weekday until April 28th. This organization is asking for light weight clothing because the refugees are in a camp in Kenya it is quite warm there. So lets spring clean and help this organization out with helping others in need. Bring clothing items in plastic bags lawn or leaf. Mrs. Martino’s contact information is the following if need help with getting your donations to the right place (515)370-8264.
I sat down and talked to Mrs. Martino last Friday and the question I asked her was “Why do you put so much effort into helping your students and others here at DMACC?” Her reply was perfect and fits into the kind caring person she is her reply was ” Community College unlike other institutions is that we exist as Community Members with the goal to serve the Community and are total goal is to serve the Community.”
More information about Clothing World Needy People (CWNP) can be found here:http://clothingfortheneedy.org/