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Ainsley Schuler

Ainsley Schuler January 24, 2018

*From left to right; Matt Smith, Jamie Bariabar, Tom Voss* Almost Sunrise is a documentary showing tonight at 7:00 P.M. in the Boone DMACC auditorium. The documentary is about two war veterans returning from Iraq and their journey to overcome the pitfalls and dangers of living a civilian life after facing the horrors of war. […]

Ainsley Schuler January 24, 2018

A competition is being held at all DMACC campuses for the next twelve weeks. One week has already come and gone, but it’s not too late to join! Literacy Pursuits is a competition involving trivia about studying strategies and libraries. There are prizes every week of all sorts. To participate in this competition go to […]

Ainsley Schuler January 17, 2018

“Magic is the vehicle to make people happy and bring joy and wonder, and as long as I can do that, magic is cool,” according to John Rotellini. Rotellini visited the Boone DMACC campus on Wednesday, January 10. John Rotellini is a professional magician of ten years, however he has been practicing magic since he […]