I enjoy the variety of courses we have, and I believe there are some feasible additions to Boone Campus’ lineup of courses. This editorial focuses on the expansion of the music program here, and any additions that students or staff would like to see are welcome. I always want to include more students and staff into the news process! Any recommendations can be sent to ekkivlahan@dmacc.edu and I’ll include it in my next editorial regarding this.
My first recommendation is to bring applied instrumental to the Boone campus and promote it to high school students. This would markedly increase music student enrollment, as I personally wanted to be in an orchestra after high school but there was no visible way to do so at DMACC. The lessons would be individual until a point in time that enough students are involved to make group lessons (quartet, quintet, sextet) and perhaps eventually a symphony possible. The nature of having individual lessons at the start is something I believe would make it affordable and beneficial to the music program.
My second recommendation is to have a music production class on campus. The primary program on which this course would be based is FL Studio 12, and the basic edition of this program is $200. A partnership with Forte Studios would also be a valuable addition to the music program. I am unaware of whether or not ImageLine Studios (the owner of FL) has any licensing program for education, but I believe this course could expand the musical horizons of what DMACC Boone has to offer. The curriculum could be on a standard-class basis according to proficiency indicators, or on a basis more similar to the current applied music courses. This would set a new precedent for innovation and music at the Boone campus. In implementation, the initial phase could start at workshops.
Overall, I think that the music program at DMACC Boone is in good shape and ready to grow. The interest is present, and the expansions are plausible. Other submissions include the courses for a Human Services degree and expanding the programs that are currently available only at Ankeny into Boone. Thank you for your time and have a nice day!
UPDATE: I and Dr. Lin agree that it would be beneficial to also offer a music fundamentals class on this campus. It would not only help the current music students expand their knowledge, but it would also be helpful to making the music program more accessible to those with no prior experience. Thank you again!