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Edward Kivlahan April 11, 2018

Come to McHose park this Saturday by 9:00 a.m. to register and run in the In My Boots annual 5k! The race begins at 10:00 a.m. and all of the proceeds from the run go to training service animals and reintegrating veterans. The registration on-site is $20, and online is $25. This is a community event and all are welcome!

This 5k has been pioneered by students working with Sean Taylor to run the In My Boots group on the Boone campus. In My Boots’s mission is to promote a healthier society for everyone including veterans and their families. The group has a large number of students involved and even more will be volunteering in the 5k. This is the fifth year that DMACC has been able to host the run.

All those who have registered should pick up their race materials this Friday between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. at the student center or at the race site on Saturday morning. Following the run there will be pancakes served for free-will donation.

For more information, go to or contact one of the following:

Sean Taylor:


Dr. Nancy Woods:


Jamie Jordan: