DMACC is already entering the second half of the first semester! Students are starting to apply for colleges and trying to figure out their transfer plans after they graduate from DMACC. While the push of transferring to a four-year college can be a big weight on a student’s shoulders, don’t be afraid to explore other options.
Enlisting into the military after obtaining a college degree allows people to enter officer training immediately, meaning the person can bypass the time required for someone who is a general recruit. Here are the steps to follow to start the process.
The first step would be to figure out which of the five branches to choose: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, and Marine Corps.
The Air Force is a part of the Department of Defense. The responsibilities of the USAF are aerial military operations and defending the U.S. air bases. Service members are referred to as Airmen.
The Army which is the largest of the five branches. The Army handles major ground combat missions which have many different components. The Army Special Forces unit is the Green Berets and the two reserve components are Army Reserve and the Army National Guard.
One of the most common branches joined after college is the Army. The US Army is the most universal in the sense that it gives the option to stay reserve or go active. If chosen to be one of the reserve components, the soldier would be a part of the Army National Guard. When enlisting into the National Guard, this means a lot more time at home. NG Soldiers take responsibility for the safety and freedom of Americans in the U.S and to assist during national emergencies.
The Coast Guard, USCG is a part of the Department of Homeland Security and is responsible for law enforcement on the sea and tracks drug smuggling. The last two branches that are part of the DOD are the Marine Corps and the Navy. The USMC provides support to other branches by being sea-based, providing land combat, and also having air-ground operations. They are also responsible for guarding the U.S. embassies around the world while being referred to as Marines. The USN protects any waterways that are outside of the Coast Guard jurisdiction. Warships of the Navy are used to provide runways for aircraft to land and take off when at sea. Service members of this branch are known as Sailors unless a part of the Navy Seals which are the Special Operations Force.
The second step would be to get in contact with a recruiter. Refer to to find contact info for a military recruiter. On this website, the requirements that are to be met for the intended branch are laid out specifically.If any other questions or concerns arise about enlisting into the military, contact one of the academic advisors on campus or Sean Taylor,