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Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by DeShawn Davidson The University of Texas at Austin conducted more than 50 case studies that took ethics into consideration. Some of the case studies explored current and historic ethical dilemmas, but one in particular stuck out to me which was “High Stakes Testing” which explored the backlash that testing causes to students. The […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Ryan Sunstrom In the world of sports, nobody relates dogs to football; unless of course you’re talking about “Air Bud.” However, that all changed back in 2001 when Michael Vick, one of the best incoming quarterbacks from Virginia Tech, came into the National Football League. Vick was predicted to be one of the […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Skyler Johnson In my case study a woman made a complaint that the man that took care of her had violated her. Due to her health conditions, no one believed her. The facility took it so far that the woman was taken to the hospital to see what was wrong with her. She […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Keeley Russell Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease. George and Betty Coumbias wanted to die together. The couple had been married for 50 years. George suffers from a heart disease, while his wife is in good health. Assisted suicide is illegal […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Jackson Miller This story is about the first death caused by a self-driving car that occured in Tempe, Arizona. 49-year-old Elaine Herzberg was struck and killed by the car on March 18th while walking her bike across the street. The major dilemma in this story is who is at fault for the death […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Lori Graves With all the talk about the death penalty being reinstated in Iowa I decided to delve a little deeper into the subject and what I discovered was disturbing. I came upon an article about people with mental illness being given the death penalty. One man’s case stood out to me above […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Zach Boelter Mark Benavides an attorney in San Diego could be facing up to ninety nine years in prison for forcing his clients into having sex with him in exchange for legal services. Not only was he having sex with them, but he was hurting them and recording the videos. During the trial […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Will Nelson Anime has been an increasing industry in recent years, and even though it is still a relatively niche form of entertainment, the industry has never been as widely accepted as it is now. However, there is an apparent issue with the industry, that being of piracy. The practice of piracy is not […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

submission by Matthew Holtzbauer Texas man was found guilty of charges for poaching a 19-point whitetail buck in Texas. He said he had shot the buck with a rifle in Oklahoma on public land, but in fact he had shot it on private property in Texas where the area was bow hunting only for deer. He […]

Ainsley Schuler April 27, 2018

Submission by Hannah Lau There was a dog named Oogy. Oogy was a Dogo Argentina who was tied to a stake and used as bait for another Pit Bull, completely helpless. While being bait, Oogy got very torn up: His face was all destroyed, his ear had been mostly torn off, jaw broken from being […]